Day number two of actually writing something for this and keeping the dust off the website. I think its been a couple of years since I initially bought the domain, I'm just glad I'm finally putting it to use.
On a completely different note, my PC has been deciding lose its video output occasionally. This has been happening for about a month at this point. Initially I thought a temparature sensor on the GPU had gave up the ghost causing things to overheat. I don't think that's the problem since turning up the fans didn't help. I updated the drivers, pulled apart my PC to dust the GPU heatsink, and put it all back together. Hopefully that helps.
On an other completely different note (last one for now I swear), I'm going to try to do yoga every day this month. I'll be following this 30 day yoga series and I'll either squeeze it in to February or let it run a few days into March.